The Foot
Orthopedic doctors specializing in the foot often treat patients with everyday foot-related conditions, like plantar warts, corns, and calluses. They are also skilled at providing care for patients with more complicated injuries, such as fractures, bunions, and plantar fasciitis.
When deciding on the best treatment plan for a foot problem, a foot specialist will first consider all nonsurgical methods, such as injections, physical therapy, or orthotics. If these options fail to provide relief, a foot doctor may recommend a surgical procedure, such as a fusion or tendon repair.
At OrthoAlabama Spine & Sports, our foot doctors are highly skilled in providing nonsurgical and surgical care for foot problems. To fully understand your unique situation, our doctors will begin by closely listening to you describe your injury as well as ask questions about the pain you are experiencing. Once they determine a diagnosis, they will explain all of your treatment options and work with you to determine which solution best fits your needs and goals.
The Ankle
Ankle doctors specialize in assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients with ankle injuries and pain. These specialists will carefully listen to the patient’s description of their ankle injury as well as perform a complete physical examination of the ankle in order to accurately diagnose the problem.
Ankle specialists provide care for a wide range of injuries. This includes common injuries, such as sprains, Achilles tendon injuries, and fractures, as well as chronic pain that arises from arthritis. Sometimes, these injuries can be treated with nonoperative care, like medication or physical therapy; however, other times, a type of orthopedic surgery, such as a fusion or tendon repair, may be required.
Our ankle experts at OrthoAlabama Spine & Sports are dedicated to taking a team approach. After accurately diagnosing your injury or condition, they will work together to develop a personalized treatment plan that utilizes conservative treatment options. If these options fail to relieve your pain, our ankle surgeons will then go over all your surgical options and help you determine which one is best for you.
Request an Appointment
To schedule a consultation with one of our foot specialists and ankle experts in Birmingham, Hoover, or Pell City, call (205) 228-7600 today or request an appointment online.